TBR Library Deans and Directors’ Fall Meeting

November 15-16, 2012 at the TBR Building

Present: Stuart Gaetjens (MSCC), Chair; Sylverna Ford (UM), Suresh Ponnappa (ETSU Med); Doug Bates (TTU), Secretary; Joe Weber (APSU); Bonnie Allen, (MTSU),Robert Benson (RSCC), Sandra Leach(UTK), Yildiz Binkley(TSU), Sarah Copeland(Clev SCC), Susan Jennings(Chat SCC),  Doug Cross (WSCC), Pat Van Zandt(ETSU), Kathy Breeden (Col SCC), Jennifer Grady (Tenn Share)

RODP Updates:

Questions-How many people are using the RODP Library? How well is it working. Stuart encourages testing links in RODP. Susan is embedded in 4 classes. The students are sent to the Chatt State website.

Robert encourages the faculty to directly link resources when possible. When there are problems it is a nightmare. How to provide real time contextual help?  We need a way to check off campus access to the databases.

Recommendations for RODP. They are accepted. TBR has been supportive. Should we have collective requests for RODP, possibly e-books? Tenn-Share is eager to help with cooperative purchasing.

TBR eLEarning/Mobile Libraries Update.

Library side is slow in coming together. Mobile committee was formed with a charge to support defining, growing, mobilization mission. This group is to evaluate apps. So far we are not where we want to be. There are not enough hours to vet the apps. We need criteria to evaluate the apps. How to build a resource to help campuses mobilize? More structure is coming. The focus should be on general education. We need a method for sharing experiences of libraries. Sometimes decentralization works better. Are we taking on what needs to be done or are we engaging in mission creep? How do we manage payment of the apps? Roane State is involved in the purchase of Apps. They have money for faculty piloting the use of iPads. They are treating iPads like study kits.

Mobilization does not necessarily scale. Wireless needs to be robust on campuses. Librarians need to be techno literate. Each campus is different. There needs to be collaboration between the library and faculty.

What information that could be shared would be useful for administrators in making decisions and running the program.

Skill Levels for Satellite Campuses

Faye has one new campus and moving to another. Question of how to have library services at new campuses. Is it possible to beef up some staff positions? APSU has Library Associate positions. ETSU is looking at Information Technology Positions.

Job Sharing Among TBR Institutions?

Several possibilities were discussed including a position within TBR to coordinate collection management. Or a systems librarian position. Another idea is cooperative training for people in similar positions such as ILL.

Shared Collection Management.

Principally paper collections. Pat will look more at paper collection sharing and the

Sustainable Collections company.


Capitalizing Books and Journals: Capitalize books and expense periodicals


Documenting student outcomes advances or failures for SACS or institutional goal setting

What is everyone doing? When attempting to measure outcomes there are many factors to consider and it is hard to prove cause and effect.


E-Portfolios – Should be an assessment tool for campus. Sarah Copeland would like to know what other schools are doing with regard to e-portfolios and what software they are using.


Friday Nov 16


Tenn-Share update – Jennifer Grady.

Visions of Tenn-Share - make additions and renewals of subscriptions as easy as possible. Build on history and goodwill. Wants to provide detailed numbers on savings. Explore how Tenn-share can help libraries solve problems. Would like to have high name and value recognition. Would like to have Teen-Share as part of orientation of new staff. Would like to explore the possibility of facilitating statewide storage. Could Tenn-Share help with staff development? Could develop a resource on how the marketing for resources is done at different libraries.


Tenn-Share would like to know when we are considering a database


Mary Ellen Pozzebon – TSERC

Plans to get acquisitions and e-resources librarians together to discuss issues related to TBR. A working group will be established. The purpose of the working group is to help TSERC to focus on TBR within Tenn-Share


Pat suggested an inventory survey of TBR libraries to see overlap and identify needs. A survey is done in the spring Mary Ellen will distribute the survey and look at what we can renegotiate and what we need.


We also want explore cooperative purchasing of Software as Service products. Innovative currently has multiple contracts. We should also include shared digital storage space.

Are we making the most of opportunities to get single contracts? Should encourage TBR to handle more of the contract work? What would it take to get a librarian positions at TBR?


Discovery services SwetsWise

3 more years on the contract. There is some dissatisfaction with the service and product. The colleges will talk to their people and the decide how to proceed.